Wednesday, May 7

Sadness with Rejoicing

A dear friend of my family's was in a terrible car accident this afternoon and was killed. Her husband was my youth pastor and was the one who brought me to know Jesus Christ. She was a shining light in this world; her smile, her love for Christ was evident in ALL THAT SHE DID. I hope that I can be as she was here on earth.

The smile I see in mind is not one that lit the room, but one that was contagious. It made everyone else light up. That's pretty amazing; like I imagine Jesus to be. When you turned around to see that Lisa had just come into the room, a calmness would fall like a leaf to the ground, touching one person, then swaying back to touch another, than forth to touch yet another; just like Jesus.

With a sad heart I also rejoice, for God chose to call one of his daughters home today. He is not sad to see her, but rejoicing with her so near him...

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