Monday, September 1

My True Desire Part 2

Since I made the posting "My True Desire" I must say the devil has been hard at work in our lives.

1. I got in a fender-bender with a witch who tried to get me arrested.

2. A friend lost their 1 year old to complications he's had since birth.

3. My husband got laid off.

4. A close friend lost her pregnancy.

5. We were sent to collections for Nick's surgery bills that our insurance was supposed to cover.

Note: This all happened with in a few days.
My true desire is you, JC, even if the world crumbles around me; even if I stop hearing your voice; even if a hurricane devistates New Orleans still more; even if Obama gets elected president; My true desire is YOU, Jesus Christ.


  1. oh beth! you have had an awful week! i'm so sorry about Rob's job, especially. i know how hard that is. my prayers are with you.

  2. Sounds like you guys are going through a pretty tough time. I'll be praying that God will be glorified through your family amidst suffering. I just hope you know he loves you enough to have everything be purposeful. I'm learning that myself....
