Saturday, January 30

New Year, New Goals

Reflect on the old and create new memories:

I love playing my sax in band! I left it in the shop for three weeks to find out that it needs $650 to fix it up. Not worth it? YES! IT IS! I looked up my saxophone model number and found that it is worth at least a couple thousand, if not more. Way cool! Not that I would ever sell it. Can't afford the fix now; using a rental for three or four months.

Bible reading: stalled. I lost my Bible after Thanksgiving break and just found it last week. Will continue where I left off reading Romans. (Some of you girls now about the reading of the book of Romans. Think ALT!)

Loving my husband is a challenge I never thought I would face. To show him love and appreciation is difficult for me when I want to be cynical, which is often.

Be a good mom to a moody four year old: VERY difficult and challenging.

Be the boss at work and come home to a place that needs a boss of sorts: VERY difficult to manage. It seems I never get to take of the hat of being the one solely responsible for what seems like everyone and everything: food, money, cleaning, bedtime, laundry; and that's just at home. parents, teachers, money, time sheets, everyone's hours, irate parents, counselors on the phone, upset employees, under appreciated: that's work.

How will this year be different? Only time can tell and only God knows. Rob has been out of work for 1.4 years and our credit shows it. We are trying to make good memories for our son as well as teach him responsibility and compassion. That is no small feat. And though I hate giving in to the corporations, Target and Walmart are cheap and that's all I can afford.

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