Welcome to my home! The place I feel at home; the place that is my home: my heart. Here I am.
Sunday, October 31
Fourth and Final
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
The fourth and final costume of 2010 is completed! (is the picture wonky to you!?)
I made the shirt, the vest and the bell-bottoms. The fro, the necklace and the glasses were bought. Lesson learned: DO NOT GO to the Halloween store three days before Halloween right after dinner. Everyone else is going to be there, too.
Friday, October 29
Almost Done
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
Tuesday, October 26
Yet Another
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
And I will try again! Another contest
BurdaStyle is hosting a costume contest. I have not decided which costume to enter yet, or if I can enter all four that I have done this year, maybe I'll do that!
I also just posted my tutorial on BurdaStyle.com. Hoping for a few more hits than my blog got!
BurdaStyle is hosting a costume contest. I have not decided which costume to enter yet, or if I can enter all four that I have done this year, maybe I'll do that!
I also just posted my tutorial on BurdaStyle.com. Hoping for a few more hits than my blog got!
Thursday, October 21
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
I have yet to win a giveaway, but it is so fun to see what is out there! I'm already thinking about what picture to use for this giveaway from PosterBrain. I have an awesome pic of my son from last year that Gramma wants enlarged... hmm....
I had to put in to win this cupcake matching game! My niece would flip out if she could have this! Her aspiration for the future: to be a cupcake maker when she grows up. She would share with all of her friends!
Wednesday, October 20
Freely, Freely
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
Inspiration: "Can You Drink the Cup?" by Henri Nowen
Poem© by Beth Davis
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Let those gathered around hear your sorrows and woes.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
Let the dry ground be wet all about.
Be grateful for all that your life has seen,
for all that has led you to this moment in time;
the sorrows, the laughter, the people who shared
their sorrow with you to show that they cared.
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Cry with others so that others may know.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
Cry with other so that others may shout.
Let them know you are there sharing joys and gain.
Let them know that you care in the midst of their rain.,
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Share with each other so others may grow.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
"To life," (to toast) we must have others about.
Let the ground be wet with tears of joy.
Remember that others have come before you and shared their sorrow so you are not alone.
Let the ground be wet with tears of sorrow as we carry each others burdens.
Sometimes I want to be alone, retreat. Though alone time is not bad, it is not forever. To truly live, we must have each other. To toast, to share life, we must have others about. You can't have a toast alone.
Poem© by Beth Davis
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Let those gathered around hear your sorrows and woes.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
Let the dry ground be wet all about.
Be grateful for all that your life has seen,
for all that has led you to this moment in time;
the sorrows, the laughter, the people who shared
their sorrow with you to show that they cared.
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Cry with others so that others may know.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
Cry with other so that others may shout.
Let them know you are there sharing joys and gain.
Let them know that you care in the midst of their rain.,
Freely, freely, let the tears flow.
Share with each other so others may grow.
Freely, freely, let your joys out.
"To life," (to toast) we must have others about.
Let the ground be wet with tears of joy.
Remember that others have come before you and shared their sorrow so you are not alone.
Let the ground be wet with tears of sorrow as we carry each others burdens.
Sometimes I want to be alone, retreat. Though alone time is not bad, it is not forever. To truly live, we must have each other. To toast, to share life, we must have others about. You can't have a toast alone.
Sunday, October 17
Flower Girl
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
Tutorial for Flower Girl Halloween Costume
Disclaimer: I AM NOT A PERFECTIONIST! My lines are not perfect and that's okay with me. It will be worn a few times and then be outgrown. I'm about simple and getting it done fast. If I were a perfectionist, I would get nothing done because I can't do anything perfectly!
Note: DO NOT COPY this tutorial without permission.
(I made this for my niece, but she was unavailable for modeling, so my son dawned the crown for just one shot!)
Supplies: thread, felt, pipe cleaners, head band, craft glue, green t-shirt, scissors, sewing machine, green felt and pink felt, (added later: wire cutters)
I made my own petal pattern piece and a leaf to use. I folded the pink felt sheets into thirds and cut out three petals at a time. For the green, I had a huge sheet of felt and folded it into fourths to cut. I ended up with 24 petals and 10 leaves. I only used 19 petals in the end.
Put a line of glue vertically down the center of one petal, lay the pipe cleaner onto glue. I added a little glue down the pipe cleaner and put a second petal on top of that.
Eight petals done! Once the glue set some, I zig-zag stitched around the edges of each petal. I was surprised to see that my needle went right over the pipe cleaners, no problem, just go slow!
Lay out the petals so that they look nice on the headband. I did four in front and four in back. Then I wound the pipe cleaners, one at a time, around the head band. Use wire cutters to trim the extra pipe cleaner.
I wrapped around twice and made sure that the end of the pipe cleaners ended up on top so as not to hurt anyone's scalp. Done!
Lay out your leaves and petals. Decide how you want them to look on the shirt.
This is the pattern I decided on: five leaves each for the front and the back. 
Next, pin the leaves in the pattern that you have chosen. I pinned along the top and the bottom just to hold them in place. Sew a horizontal line across each leaf at the top.

Then sew a vertical line, starting at the top, down to the center of each leaf. DO NOT sew the front and back of the shirt together. Be slow and careful.
After the leaves are sewn on, put the petals on top of the leaves in your chosen pattern, pin and sew in place. I used a zig-zag stitch here because it is on the neck line and needs to be stretchy to fit over the head.
And the final product:
I added to the sleeves for a rose bud affect. It was a bit tricky and I did not add that to the directions. I also bought a short sleeved shirt and had to add the long part of the sleeve. I used this tutorial for the sleeves so didn't think I needed to make that part of this post.
Authors note (added 10/25/10): the headband was a bit too heavy for my tiny seven year old niece, so I took off two petals, one from each end and that worked out great for her!
Note: DO NOT COPY this tutorial without permission.
Disclaimer: I AM NOT A PERFECTIONIST! My lines are not perfect and that's okay with me. It will be worn a few times and then be outgrown. I'm about simple and getting it done fast. If I were a perfectionist, I would get nothing done because I can't do anything perfectly!
Note: DO NOT COPY this tutorial without permission.

Supplies: thread, felt, pipe cleaners, head band, craft glue, green t-shirt, scissors, sewing machine, green felt and pink felt, (added later: wire cutters)
I made my own petal pattern piece and a leaf to use. I folded the pink felt sheets into thirds and cut out three petals at a time. For the green, I had a huge sheet of felt and folded it into fourths to cut. I ended up with 24 petals and 10 leaves. I only used 19 petals in the end.
Put a line of glue vertically down the center of one petal, lay the pipe cleaner onto glue. I added a little glue down the pipe cleaner and put a second petal on top of that.
Eight petals done! Once the glue set some, I zig-zag stitched around the edges of each petal. I was surprised to see that my needle went right over the pipe cleaners, no problem, just go slow!
Lay out the petals so that they look nice on the headband. I did four in front and four in back. Then I wound the pipe cleaners, one at a time, around the head band. Use wire cutters to trim the extra pipe cleaner.
I wrapped around twice and made sure that the end of the pipe cleaners ended up on top so as not to hurt anyone's scalp. Done!
Lay out your leaves and petals. Decide how you want them to look on the shirt.
Next, pin the leaves in the pattern that you have chosen. I pinned along the top and the bottom just to hold them in place. Sew a horizontal line across each leaf at the top.
Then sew a vertical line, starting at the top, down to the center of each leaf. DO NOT sew the front and back of the shirt together. Be slow and careful.
After the leaves are sewn on, put the petals on top of the leaves in your chosen pattern, pin and sew in place. I used a zig-zag stitch here because it is on the neck line and needs to be stretchy to fit over the head.
Authors note (added 10/25/10): the headband was a bit too heavy for my tiny seven year old niece, so I took off two petals, one from each end and that worked out great for her!
Note: DO NOT COPY this tutorial without permission.
Friday, October 15
The End of the Elephant Story
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
Okay, it's done! I finally got the ears to stay up on this silly elephant. I couldn't get my son to wear it for more than 3 seconds at a time. But no problem! It is on it's way to San Diego for my niece!
I was inspired to make this costume because my mom made me one when I was in 2nd grade. My niece really wanted to be an elephant for Halloween and I knew I could do it.
AHHH!! It was easy until I got to the trunk. Then that was okay but the ears would not stand up or stick out. They looked more like mouse ears when they hung so low. But, at last, I think I got it! A little cotton, a wire hanger and some stitches later, they look like elephant ears!
My mom made my outfit for me (no pics.)to recite this poem by Laura Elizabeth Richards; 1850-1943:
AHHH!! It was easy until I got to the trunk. Then that was okay but the ears would not stand up or stick out. They looked more like mouse ears when they hung so low. But, at last, I think I got it! A little cotton, a wire hanger and some stitches later, they look like elephant ears!
My mom made my outfit for me (no pics.)to recite this poem by Laura Elizabeth Richards; 1850-1943:
Once there was an elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant—No! no! I mean an elephone-Who tried to use the telephone—
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I've got it right.)
Howe'er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee—
(I fear I'd better drop the song
Of elephop and telephong!)
Thursday, October 14
It's Done... Almost
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
The elephant costume is done! I was so dreading the trunk, but it has turned out to be the ears that are causing my angst. The toe nails are my favorite part, though.

My niece has seen a picture of her elephant and can't wait to get it in the mail.
My son had fun sticking his butt out and swishing the tail.

After I fix the ears, I will send it to San Diego ASAP!
Trick or Treat!
My niece has seen a picture of her elephant and can't wait to get it in the mail.
My son had fun sticking his butt out and swishing the tail.
After I fix the ears, I will send it to San Diego ASAP!
Trick or Treat!
Tuesday, October 12
This Moment
Therapy Session of
~Beth D.
It's a school night. All has been done to ready for the night: bath time, teeth brushed, pajamas on, stories told, back rubbed. Still, we are awake, my son and I, snuggled in my queen bed; no blankets on, just the two of us blanketing each other, his back up against my tummy, my arm wrapped around to his tummy.
In moments like these, I feel the guilt of a parent who wants to be perfect; who wants everything to be perfect. My son should be asleep because he has school tomorrow. For that matter, he should be asleep in his own bed! He should know how to fall asleep on his own, crawl up into his own bed and sooth himself to the place of dreams.
Then I free myself of the guilt and just enjoy the moment. This moment will not last forever; this moment will not want to happen as my son grows older and more independent. THIS MOMENT may be a last time. I savor it, those awake moments when my kindergartner should be sleeping; those awake moments when we are giggling or kissing each others noses or singing a song together.
These are the moments that I remember when I'm having a tough day. I remember that when I come home, even if all is chaos at first, we will settle down to snuggle and enjoy each other purely for the sake of each other. Not for homework time. Not for dinner. Not for racing or playing or remembering the flaws of the day. SIMPLY FOR THE SAKE OF EACH OTHER.
With that thought, I remember Jesus: Purely for the sake of YOU, of ME, did he die on that cross and spill his blood. Purely for the sake of YOU and ME did he raise from the dead and ascend to heaven to sit next to his father on the throne. Purely for the sake of YOU and ME.
It's a school night. All has been done to ready for the night: bath time, teeth brushed, pajamas on, stories told, back rubbed. Still, we are awake, my son and I, snuggled in my queen bed; no blankets on, just the two of us blanketing each other, his back up against my tummy, my arm wrapped around to his tummy.
In moments like these, I feel the guilt of a parent who wants to be perfect; who wants everything to be perfect. My son should be asleep because he has school tomorrow. For that matter, he should be asleep in his own bed! He should know how to fall asleep on his own, crawl up into his own bed and sooth himself to the place of dreams.
Then I free myself of the guilt and just enjoy the moment. This moment will not last forever; this moment will not want to happen as my son grows older and more independent. THIS MOMENT may be a last time. I savor it, those awake moments when my kindergartner should be sleeping; those awake moments when we are giggling or kissing each others noses or singing a song together.
These are the moments that I remember when I'm having a tough day. I remember that when I come home, even if all is chaos at first, we will settle down to snuggle and enjoy each other purely for the sake of each other. Not for homework time. Not for dinner. Not for racing or playing or remembering the flaws of the day. SIMPLY FOR THE SAKE OF EACH OTHER.
With that thought, I remember Jesus: Purely for the sake of YOU, of ME, did he die on that cross and spill his blood. Purely for the sake of YOU and ME did he raise from the dead and ascend to heaven to sit next to his father on the throne. Purely for the sake of YOU and ME.
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