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Friday, December 30

Five Minute Friday: Open

    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Most important: visit, comment, encourage the person before you.

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:


Open spaces.

Open hearts.

Open skies.

I want to be open for Christ to come in. My 6 year old tells me that the Holy Spirit is here with us. That's what Jesus left behind to guide us and help us, he says. May I be open to that wonderful gift of the Holy spirit.

Open spaces for running, how I wish I could give my son that blessing. In our cramped apartment and unsafe neighborhood, we often are left in this closed off space.

Open skies, beautiful dreams for the new year. May we be open to the possibilites that await us.

Beth D.

Friday, December 16

Baby Gift

The baby has been in the world for a good two months now and I am just completing these. I don't even know if she needs any more BURP CLOTHES, but here you go. Done.

Elf Adventures

Our Magic Elf, James, has done some mischief over the past few days, but he has also done some good! My son loves getting up each morning and searching the house for him to see what he has gotten into!

Doing "Elf on the Shelf" has brought us out of a dull spell; out of a sleeping-in and not wanting to go to school spell. We are definitely doing this again next year!

Last night, he made Christmas mice to share with his class:

Sunday, December 11

Five Minute Friday: Color

It’s Friday.

Let’s do it. Let’s just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Won’t you join me?

    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!

OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:



I remember Smackover, Alabama. I remember dirty railroad tracks and harsh words.

I remember color. The color of my skin, of the waitresses skin, of the man who wondered why I was on HIS side of the tracks because I obviously wasn't from around there.

I remember a neighbor who accused me of being racist because I didn't want to play with her anymore as she was being very mean.

I remember being ashamed of the skin that God gave me; something I couldn't help or change.

I went to Smackover 10 years ago, wearing an orange shirt along with 50 others, to help break the boundaries that color have created. A huge BBQ in the park, invited the white people on this side of the track and the black people on that side of the track. We invited all, even the waitress that wouldn't serve my friend a drink because his skin was too dark.

My neighbor was darker than me, colored, as they say. She hit me and took my toys, so I left. Was I being racist?

A darker-skinned man yelled and laughed at me for melting in the sun with my too-white skin.

Color on the outside, but ALL THE SAME on the inside.

Monday, December 5


I filled my portfolios with stationary, hoping that will help people see what they are used for. You can purchase these in my etsy shop, to the right.
Happy Christmas shopping!

Friday, December 2

Elf on the Shelf

Many many ideas on pinterest for Elf on the Shelf, so I made my own and he has started his own adventures already! (He is sitting in my sons room with a coloring book and crayons, waiting to be discovered in the morning!)

First, a letter in my email from Santa saying that the elf was coming to visit us to make a report for him. Then, when the Magic Elf arrived, he had written a note saying that he was sorry for being a bit late. He had gotten lost in the fog that we had for two days straight.

In his letter, he asked for a name and to be put high on a shelf to watch over us!
So his new name is James, my sons middle name. Let the adventures begin!

How about a competition!? I would love to participate!
